Comments on: About The Humanities and Technology Camp Tue, 04 Jun 2013 20:45:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: Timothy Conner Thu, 30 May 2013 04:48:54 +0000 I have another topic I’d like to discuss related to learning in authentic ways. How can various technological media promote student understanding that the learning they have from period to period is actually, in real life, all integrated information? Anyone interested in thinking of ways to make that learning happen via technology might want to come to this session.

By: Timothy Conner Thu, 30 May 2013 04:44:33 +0000 I would like to explore the arts connection with technology more. With the advent of computer programs for composing music, and with the abiltity to hear the “correct” chords through the computer program, what will be the future of teaching, learning, composing, and performing music? In this sesion, we’ll explore this topic with respect to visual and aural arts. I would also be interested in other arts and the ability to use technology to synthesize the experiences in the arts and other subjects.
