From Fran:
I am looking forward to learning ways to guide on-line students to create stronger short projects which incorporate the plethora of digitized research library materials (yes, they include you tube performances,etc.) in my discipline.
From Fran:
I am looking forward to learning ways to guide on-line students to create stronger short projects which incorporate the plethora of digitized research library materials (yes, they include you tube performances,etc.) in my discipline.
From Tim Connor:
I would like to explore the arts connection with technology more. With the advent of computer programs for composing music, and with the abiltity to hear the “correct” chords through the computer program, what will be the future of teaching, learning, composing, and performing music? In this sesion, we’ll explore this topic with respect to visual and aural arts. I would also be interested in other arts and the ability to use technology to synthesize the experiences in the arts and other subjects.
From Tim Connor:
I have another topic I’d like to discuss related to learning in authentic ways. How can various technological media promote student understanding that the learning they have from period to period is actually, in real life, all integrated information? Anyone interested in thinking of ways to make that learning happen via technology might want to come to this session.
From Rick Mott:
I am interested in hearing what types of apps (android or iOS) people have proposed/conceived that would help students learn the humanities. I am working on two iOS app proposals: one connects geospatially-located digital artifacts with plot points in a Native American novel (Ceremony) set in New Mexico; the other permits students to create their own geospatially-oriented apps designed to enhance novels by connecting digital artifacts to specific geographic points.
There is an increasing emphasis on creating, using, and encouraging students and others to use online tools for all manner of teaching, learning, and connecting. For example, some instructors and advisors encourage students to use citation managers like Zotero or Mendeley when writing research papers. Some journalism, writing, and visual communication classes use WordPress or tumblr as part of the curriculum to get students to create portfolios and share work. Students are also encouraged to use social media outlets like Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin for various educational and professional purposes. I would be remiss here if I failed to mention the use of systems like Blackboard and Moodle for class discussions, etc.
It is, therefore, important to discuss how individuals may safely and successfully use these technologies in education and beyond. This session would be a discussion of best practices in using technology to protect privacy and reputation.
What strategies, tools, theories do you use to collect, collate, and code your digital data for your research projects?
I have a large collection of student artifacts including journal and blog posts as well as open-ended survey responses. I am paralyzed at the moment with indecision about how to collect this data and collate it into an usable form let alone code it to discover its secrets.
Come share your thoughts, ideas, experiences, and similar woes.
I would love to discuss building/creating a sense of community in an online class. Can it be done? How? What are the essential ingredients?
I believe community is essential to learning and especially learning to write, but what are the ways/means of creating community when your students may never meet face to face?
I use social media and activities gleaned/adapted from my National Writing Project experience, but would love to share and discuss ideas and experiences (the good, the bad, and the ugly).
I have successfully created communities in my online classes and experienced them as an online student, but this fall I will teach a first year seminar which means I will be dealing with students very new to online classes — I’m more than a little nervous about the experience.
The clock is ticking down on the dates for THATCamp Kentucky. I have updated the “While in Lexington” page, as well as added a “Schedule” page.
When you registered for THATCamp Kentucky, you received a username and access to this website. Now is the time to start proposing what it is you would like to do/learn/discuss during our time together. You can find some great examples of how others have used the site to propose topics by looking at past THATCamp sites. So, propose away! It doesn’t even have to be a fully-formed session, just what you’d like to do or share during the weekend.
I will be posting what I’d be interested in sharing with the group later this week.
Remember, if you have any questions or concerns, please email me at .
We are pleased to announce that on June 1-2, 2013, we will be having the first ever THATCamp in the state of Kentucky! It will be taking place in the William T. Young Library on the University of Kentucky campus.
Follow @thatcampky on Twitter for more information. But please sign up and spread the word!